No matter where you are in your financial journey, we help you get where you want to go….
We differentiate ourselves by not only managing client relationships, but also by managing the specific investments in each customized portfolio.
Burton Street, Owner & Portfolio Manager
Experience matters.
Our Investment Committee has over 140 years of combined experience. All of us have witnessed first-hand the various market cycles over the last 35 years. This experience truly does matter when helping clients navigate the markets.
The TIA Experience.
Discovery Meeting
Step 1: It all begins where you currently are in your financial journey. We will identify with your specific situation.
Portfolio Construction
Step 2: We will customize a plan to get you where you want to go. This plan will be based on the risk parameters we have set together.
Step 3: We will take your customized plan and put it into action. Asset allocation will be combined with a specific portfolio construction of individual securities.
Monitor & Update
Step 4: Portfolios are monitored daily by our Investment Committee. This committee will make any changes to your portfolio to insure it meets your specific needs over time. We manage not only the client relationship, but also the specific investments in each customized portfolio. All review meetings will be as frequent as desired by the client.

Each client is treated individually. Specific suitability needs and requirements are factored into each separately managed account.
The client's financial needs and well-being are TIA's sole concern.
Contact us.
Call Our Office:
(317) 253-2000
8440 Woodfield Crossing Boulevard, Suite 100
Indianapolis, Indiana 46240
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